RealSimGear – Flight Sim Pro

A new study software from the hardware manufacture ‘RealSimGear”.
We often hear, “I love your gear, but how do I get the most value from it?”

Over the past year we have been working on the ultimate online training program to demonstrate flight simulator use, as well as preparation for real world flight training. Taught by a CFII with 3000 flight hours and 7 years experience, there are over 20 hours of tutorials with more being uploaded weekly.

Next week we will launch ‘Flight Sim Pro’: the ultimate training program to teach you how to chair-fly or train on your home flight simulator and make you a better pilot! It could save you thousands on flight training.

We’ll teach you how to use your checklist to start the plane, taxi, take off, cruise, land, as well as perform full VFR flights!

In this new course, you will learn what is typically only learned in real world flight training. That way if you do take up real world flight training, you’ll be in a position to save thousands on flight lessons, progress faster than your peers, and impress the heck out of your flight instructor.

Sign up at to watch a SNEAK PEEK of some of the content inside the new course, and to be notified about the pre-sale!

What’s inside the Course? We currently have 30 out of our 50+ tutorials for the course finished, but by the time you apply the first 30 videos, the main part of the course will be finished, and we’ll be consistently adding more and more content 🙂 Flight Simulator Pro Curriculum

1- The R&D:
This is the part that is still in development, Section 2 is where the course really starts though 🙂
1.1 A welcome message from Chance
1.2 PC requirements to run a flight simulator (Coming Soon)
1.3 Recommended Monitors to buy (Coming Soon)
1.4 Budget and not so budget Sim recommendations (Coming Soon)
1.5 How to set up X plane (Coming Soon)
1.6 How to set up Microsoft Flight Sim
1.7 How to set up PilotEdge
1.8 How to set up ForeFlight on your sim (Coming Soon)

2.1 Introduction
2.2 How To Run A Checklist
2.3 How I Setup My Kneeboard
2.4 What Is A POH?
2.5 Loading Into X Plane
2.6 How To Start A Cessna
2.7 After Start Flow
2.8 ATIS Information
2.9 Taxi Instructions
2.10 How To Taxi
2.11 Taxi Check
2.12 Engine Runup
2.13 The Abort Plan  

3.1 Normal & Crosswind Takeoff
3.2 The Climb
3.3 Leveling Off
3.4 8 Tips For Cruise Flight
3.5 Turns To Headings
3.6 Navigating Back To KMYF
3.7 Descent checklist
3.9 The Traffic Pattern
3.10 Landings Checks
3.11 10 Tips For Landing
3.12 After Landing Checklist
3.13 Shutdown Checklist
3.14 Touch and Goes
3.15 Go Arounds  

This is the order of flights I would take my student pilots on in real life to get their Private Pilot Certificate!
5.1 KMYF to KRNM
5.2 KMYF to KSDM
5.3 KMYF to KCRQ
5.4 KMYF to KSEE
5.5 KMYF to KOKB
5.6 KMYF to KHMT
5.7 KMYF to KPSP
5.8 KMYF to KSNA