Review – Freeware OV-10 by a Real Bronco Pilot

A review of the Ariebaba Freeware North American OV-10A Bronco by a former USAF Bronco Pilot. Include operational procedures and systems info plus anecdotal experiences while flying the Bronco in Europe in the 1980 timeframe. More information and download of this freeware Bronco here. (There are some hick-ups, so read the known issues….)

Recent Changelog for v1.0.2

  • Three new liveries; FAC, RTAF and Bronco Demo Team
  • Texture airducts
  • Turn coordinator observer

The OV-10 Bronco is a twin engine, twin tail boom multi purpose airplane developed in 1968. It was developed for reconnaissance, forward air control and light transport missions. It is a single pilot airplane but has a second seat for an observer or instructor behind the pilot. The plane has a cargo-bay that can be used to drop paratroopers. The Bronco was liked because of its ability to fly low and slow.

And here below is the YouTube Video review of Russ Barlow:
