Islas Canarias de Aerofly FS2

The scenery now include 5 m terrain mesh customised around the Canary Islands aieports to fit with the freeware airports addons. The first package we done for the new kid in the block. Photorealistic Textures resolution of 1.5 m with a 5 m mesh coverage and cultivation for the whole of the Canary islands according to the latest opeenstreetmap data. Either use your any airport addon or head to for a wide choice of freeware airports to add on to this or any other Aerofly FS 2 Scenery. This simulator is all about Fun; Fun and more Fun !!

This scenery do not include airports scenery you will have to download and add them on; it is simple and instructions are included. Scenery come also with Full night illumination.

You can get this scenery in SinMarket here!
