After 11 years of smartCARS, it is finally possible to track all flights, including your personal ones, with smartCARS Pro. (Prizes on a monthly basis)
smartCARS is an incredibly detailed, expandable flight tracking system. Previously, it was only for virtual airlines to provide to their pilots, but now it is for everyone. This means that every flight can now have:
- Extremely detailed flight review and playback, so you can see exactly what happened and how you handled it at every step of the flight
- Integrated SimBrief planning to make flight preparations faster and more seamless with less applications open
- Automatic, real-time flight backups, meaning you can restore your aircraft position after a simulator, or even PC, crash
- Cloud backups of all PIREPS across all smartCARS virtual airlines and Pro – your logbook is ironclad at all times
- Abnormal flight protection so that if you have to step away and something goes awry, you come back to a paused simulator waiting for your input
- And so much more
Read further about it here