Navigraph – 3 brand new features

A newsitem from Andy, the teammember of Navigraph via the Discord Server for the users of the Navigraph Chart App. They just released an update that introduces 3 brand new features:

  • Flight Telemetry Monitoring – Keep track of your plane

The new Telemetry functionality in Navigraph Charts lets you monitor your flight status from anywhere. To enable the widget, click the Telemetry icon that appears when clicking the top left icon on the map of Navigraph Charts. The widget then appears at the bottom of the map, just above the charts pinboard. Customize the widget with our wide selection of metrics. Here are some of them:

  • Groundspeed (GS)
  • True Airspeed (TAS)
  • Indicated Airspeed (IAS)
  • Vertical Speed
  • True Altitude
  • Indicated Altitude
  • Height AGL (Above ground level)
  • Destination ETA (Estimated time of arrival)
  • Destination ETE (Estimated time enroute)
  • Descent to Destination – Required ft/m to reach destination elevation
  • SimBrief OFP Viewer

Now, you can conveniently view your SimBrief OFP directly within the Navigraph Charts application, making your flight preparation and execution smoother and more efficient than before. The OFP viewer allows you to access all the critical flight information you need right at your fingertips, from weather conditions to flight and airport details.

To view your SimBrief OFP, import a SimBrief OFP from the “Flights” tab in Navigraph Charts, then click “View SimBrief OFP”.

  • Digital ATIS

Charts now offers access to Digital ATIS from the popular online flying networks IVAO, PilotEdge and VATSIM, as well as real-world ATIS in the US. ATIS is a system that provides important airport information to pilots, including weather conditions, runways in use, navigation aids, and other operational data. Learn more about ATIS in Charts on our blog.

We hope you will enjoy the new features! If you require assistance or have found areas in our apps with potential for improvement, please contact our technical support and developers in
