Weekend Flight Idea for MSFS

Now that the weekend is here, why not go over to the Canadian East Coast and visit Oak Island. This island was made famous by the TV show that depicts the search for the legendary treasure that has supposedly been buried there for hundreds of years.

You can depart from nearby HALIFAX STANFIELD AIRPORT CYHZ and make use of the great scenery made by FSIMstudios.

For this flight, we have flown the fantastic Carenado CT182T. This airplane combines all the easiness of flying of the Skyhawk with a more powerful engine that allows it to go faster and higher than its younger brother.

From CYHZ, you should make your way southeast until you reach the city of Halifax. The city is presented in photogrammetry and has various points of interest included. From Halifax, you can make your way south following the shoreline until you reach Chester Peninsula. Near Chester, you can spot an elephant shaped island. Welcome to Oak Island!
