FSexpo : A Record-Breaking FlightSimExpo Wraps Up in Houston

FlightSimExpo 2023 was held on June 23-25, 2023 at the Lone Star Flight Museum in Houston—and was the largest dedicated flight simulation event in North American history! Recordings of 30+ seminars are now available for a $15 purchase at www.flightsimexpo.com.

HOUSTON – June 26, 2023 – This past weekend, more than 1,900 flight simmers, pilots, and aviation enthusiasts gathered in Texas for the biggest-ever FlightSimExpo. Attendees from more than 30 countries joined 70+ exhibitors for an interactive, hands-on experience designed to showcase the power of home flight simulation for fun, pilot training, and to inspire the future generation of airline and military aviators.

FlightSimExpo kicked off with a series of product reveals on Friday, June 23 that included a new, voice-capable air traffic control system called “BeyondATC”, upcoming hardware from Thrustmaster and Honeycomb Aeronautical, a new Ford 4-AT Trimotor for Microsoft Flight Simulator—available free for the first week after the show—and much more! By video reveal, attendees found out about ‘Animals’ from SoFly, the pending release of the MSFS Accu-Sim Comanche 250 from A2A Simulations, and that iniBuilds’ next MSFS airliner will be the A300-600.

The exhibit hall, which was open on Saturday and Sunday, allowed attendees to try the latest in flight simulation hardware and software, including yokes, joysticks, virtual reality devices, GPS replicas, and even force feedback controls. Exhibit highlights included the VR Experience Center, VATSIM’s interactive pilot and ATC display, the to-scale A320 cockpit from SKALARKI electronics Ltd., iniBuilds’ immersive ‘dome’—which allowed attendees to step inside the A300-600 for the first time—and meet-and-greets at Thrustmaster’s booth with PMDG, Chewwy94, Cpt. Canada, Jeff Favignano, and many more.

Meanwhile, seminars took place across the three-day show featuring a range of community-presented content. Highlights from the weekend seminar series included a content creators’ panel discussion led by scrufytam, a home cockpit building workshop and Q&A hosted by SimObsession.com’s Tony Wilko, and several ‘getting started’ seminars designed to help newcomers find their wings.

Although this year’s show is over, 30 high definition seminar recordings are available for everyone. Visit www.flightsimexpo.com to see the full list of content available and to purchase instant access for just $15. The content will be available for on-demand viewing until July 31, and every purchase helps support the event in future years. 

“Over the next few weeks, we look forward to connecting with attendees, exhibitors, sponsors, and other developers from around the community to prepare for our next show,” says organizer Evan Reiter. “Please be on the lookout for surveys and meeting invitations in the coming days!”

Watch this quick video below filmed on-site of our SIMMARKET booth :

And now a few photos taken during the event last weekend :

SIMMARKET showcasing FlightControlReplay tool for MSFS / P3D5