FlightSimExpo 2023 : +70 Developers Confirmed Next Month June 23-25 Houston TX

HOUSTON – May 26, 2023 – Flight Simulation Association today announced that FlightSimExpo 2023 is expected to be their largest-ever event! With limited space and just one exhibit booth remaining, organizers encourage flight simmers, pilots, and aviation enthusiasts to register now before tickets sell out.

  • Less than 200 “Entire Event” tickets are available: almost sold out ! Hurry up, register today and get 10% off with the coupon code “simflight”.
  • More than 70 developers are confirmed. Newly-announced exhibitors include //42, AIRLAND WORLD, Fsdreamteam, Sim Innovations, VIRPIL Controls, and Yaw VR. 1 exhibit booth is still available.
  • Microsoft and Asobo Studios are confirmed.
  • To enter the raffle and join Thrustmaster inside the Boeing 747 at NASA, attendees must be part of the FSA Discord, which takes the place of the Whova app as the space for attendee collaboration.

The event recently announced the addition of exhibitors //42, AIRLAND WORLD, BeyondATC, Flight Sim Wings, FlightControlReplay, FLYING Magazine, Fsdreamteam, Heads Up View, Sim Innovations, VIRPIL Controls, Yaw VR, and more. The full list of exhibitors is available at Microsoft and Asobo Studios confirmed their participation during an MSFS Developer Q&A in March.

“We’re kicking it up another notch this year,” said Tim Gorham, North American Marketing Director for Thrustmaster. “Thrustmaster will be revealing an exciting addition to our combat flight sim lineup on Friday. Then, during the weekend, we’ll be hosting in-booth meet and greets with Thrustmaster ambassadors Jeff Favignano, CptCanada, Chewwy94, and Blu Games. And on Saturday night, 100 lucky FlightSimExpo attendees and partners will receive a special invitation to an exclusive Thrustmaster-hosted afterparty, held inside a Boeing 747 at Space Center Houston’s Independence Plaza.”

Continued Tim: “That’s right: a few lucky fans will enjoy drinks, appetizers, and an entirely private first flight with the future of Thrustmaster’s flight sim range, not visible anywhere else at the show.”

All registered FlightSimExpo attendees can enter a raffle to participate in Thrustmaster’s afterparty. To enter, attendees must be part of the FSA Discord, this year’s attendee networking app. Alongside contest entry instructions, attendees will find discounts, partner announcements, rideshare coordination, and more.

“We’re thrilled to be working closely with Thrustmaster again this year,” says conference co-founder Evan Reiter. “At our previous events, Thrustmaster launched their TPR Rudder Pedals, the F/A-18C Hornet Add-on, and the TCA Boeing Yoke. We can’t wait to see what they have in store for us next month!”

For more information about FlightSimExpo, including the schedule, travel and hotel discounts, and registration, visit Can’t make it to Houston? Online-Only registration is available for just $15 and allows you to participate in the event from anywhere!

FlightSimExpo is organized by Flight Simulation Association (FSA). Amongst other initiatives, FSA is studying the impact home flight simulation can have on pilot training. If you’re a certificated pilot, you can help by completing their quick survey here.