MK Studios – Philadelphia Airport MSFS at SIMMARKET

MK Studios’ Philadelphia Airport MSFS is an excellent airport scenery for Microsoft Flight Simulator just released by the talented and expensienced designers who recently made Dublin V2 ! It provides a super realistic experience of the US airport in Pennsylvania of Philadelphia KPHL Airport. This international hub is one of the largest airports in the United States and serves as a hub for many major airlines.

You will easily note the particularly high quality of the textures and the 3D models used by MK Studios on their screenshots visible on the product page. Do you want quality AND performacne ? Expect the best combination possible thanks to the outstanding job here. Airport buildings, runways, taxiways, vehicles, PBR materials, custom animated jetways, and dynamic lighting are just some of the features included.

If you’re looking to enhance your flight simulation experience and fly into one of the busiest airports in the United States, then MK Studios’ Philadelphia Airport MSFS is a must-have add-on. You can purchase it now on SIMMARKET. and start enjoying the realistic and immersive experience of flying into and out of Philadelphia International Airport.

💻 With Siminstaller = MSFS Auto-Install and Auto-Update via SIMMARKET app

Features :

  • High-fidelity rendition of Philadelphia Airport built from the ground up
  • Optimized yet crisp texturing throughout all buildings and structures
  • Main terminal interiors modeled
  • Custom GSE vehicles
  • Landside buildings and significant POIs near the airport
  • Compatible with most aircraft AI plug-ins
  • Optimized to MSFS performance guidelines for PC