[Video] New Trailer 4K for Incheon RKSI in MSFS – by simMarket for Le Aero Design

simMarket recently unvealed their new 4K video to promote the popular MSFS scenery in South Korea, that serves the capital Seoul : RKSI Incheon.

The scenery is developed by Le Aero Design, and automatically installed upon payment, directly into MSFS Community folder with the use of simMarket app.


  • Highly detailed 3D models
  • Highly detailed ground markings with same size of real airport
  • PBR optimized
  • Photo-realistic terrain and vector in Yeongjong do
  • Highly detailed taxi light with realistic light visibility angle Enchanced 3D lighting
  • GSX Pro required Realistic pushback procedures and VDGS
  • Corrected Localizer and Glide Slope path