iFly – 737 MAX 8-200 Released for P3D5

The iFly Development Team, in partnership with Flight One Software, has released the MAX 8-200 variant for their popular iFly Jets Advanced Series – The 737-MAX8 for Prepar3D v5. This update is FREE for current purchasers of the product. It is included as part of the recent update.

The MAX 8-200 variant includes updated cockpit and EFB systems that reflect the variant, Mid-Aft Emergency exits that operate, and a number of other refinements to the core product. These are listed at http://ifly.flight1.net/forums/737-max-8-8200-v1-0-1-0-released_topic20971&FID=13&PR=3.html.

A number of free liveries have already been provided by our community and are available via the GetLiveries tool, or manually downloaded from Flight1’s free file library.

You can find out more about the product at https://www.flight1.com/products.asp?vid=flt1sf&pid=ifly738max.