TFDi Design – MD-11 for P3D MSFS Pre-Sale Today

The MD-11 of TFDi Design will be open for pre-sale today at 12:00Z. Charged 80 USD and limited to the first 1’000 customers, you will get a guaranteed access to the Beta of their classic airliner : the MD-11 advanced simulation for MSFS, P3D5 and P3D4.

The included products in this pre-sale are the Base Pack (Cargo or Passenger), the Expansion, and the Extended Simulation Package. This last one “will include operational failures, an advanced custom failures menu, and some circuit breaker functionality.” Only available during this presale, they will also add the MD-11 ER variant. More info at

Today, you will actually pay and register in the pre-sale program, you won’t be able to download the MD-11 right away. Note that they will open “beta testing somewhere around June next year to give a good time period before release to test it.” because they “plan to release it before the end of September next year (2023). This will be a feature-complete version after testing.

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2 years ago

What kind of a stupid rip off business model is this?! the advaned version limited for 1000 people who are willing to buy an unfinished product? WHY??

So TFDI please be adviced, due to this ignorent behaviour, I won’t buy the beta and also not the downgraded finished one. I’m pretty sure, there will be an opportunity to get it for free, latest 2 days after release haha!

Colin Ware
Colin Ware
2 years ago
Reply to  Tim

This is no different than doing a kickstarter. Chill….