Just Flight / DC Designs – Concorde MSFS Update 1.0.5

Just Flight and DC Designs are ready for Sim Update 11 of Microsoft Flight Simulator. Their latest updates for the Concorde ensures compatibility and brings several improvements at the same time.

Avionics update and reverse buckets animations have now more details. Get the update by redownloading the full installer at simMarket.

Changelog v1.0.5

  • Emergency update to correct errors intrduced by Sim Update 11
  • Model XML files edited to match new layout requirements for SU11
  • Barber Pole added for speed control in IAS and Mach gauges
  • Cabin lights added to mid and aft passenger cabins
  • TAS entry in exterior view replaced with Mach
  • Avionics update to ensure correct function of Autopilot and Navigation settings (Flight Plan requires use of INS nav, no flight plan requires RAD nav)
  • Thumbnails replaced to match SU11 requirements
  • Reverse buckets animations coding enhanced for greater detail
  • Exterior unique model crew models added to ensure correct display in flight
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Mike James
Mike James
2 years ago

Concorde is broken after latest sim update. Power drops out, mfd goes blank, cant talk to atc when taxing to runway to take off

1 year ago

Hello. I have various problems with the concorde. It all starts well. when i want to land with the ils nothing works anymore the plane can’t find a LOC, you can no longer set the frequency, it’s all bugged if you want to land with autopilot.

I tested different situations. if you fly without a route, for example, a round flight starts and you land again, the ILS autopilot works.

if you fly a complete route and want to land, nothing works anymore ….