FlightControlReplay5 – Official Trailer 4K

Nothing best than a video to catch the interest in FlightControlReplay 5, the new Replay and Recording Video tool for MSFS and P3D5 by Fabio Merlo.

simMarket uploaded an Official Trailer in 4K to promote the freshly released software, to showcase some of its features, like the MSFS integrated in-app controls and toolbar call, Ghost Live to fly with an AI pilot wingman live by one-click activation, or the Cinematic Replay to enjoy an automatic and multi-cameras footage of your flight.

You can select it either as a quick and handy replay tool, or it can be also used by content creators to create more complex and enriched content. Its new user interface can be adapted, reduced in size, or made transparent to fit your needs.

Click on the banner below to subscribe for free to @simmarket_official Youtube channel and watch their other impressive videos about aircraft, airports, and soon, more utilities as well.