X-Plane 12 – A330 MCDU Upgrade Progress

X-Plane 12 development team is proud to share a few screens of their work-in-progress on the future MCDU for the Airbus A330 included in the default fleet.

Additional pages, and new fields for data insertion are visible here.

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Sten-Ove Olsson
Sten-Ove Olsson
1 year ago

Very intresting, but when do you plan to release a working Airbus 330 MCDU?

As far as I can tell it’s still (March 20, 2023) not the Airbus MCDU I’m used to. (X-Plane 12.04r3 (build 120405 Intel 64-bit, Vulkan).

Tried to figure out how to insert a flight plan but havn’t been able to get it to work yet.