Trailer 4K of Firefighters CL-415 and DHC-515 in MSFS by simMarket R.Laborie

“It’s a tribute to the brave pilots, firefighters and their assisting crews” says the video description at YouTube, because it’s particularly true this year with many forests in fire, that were strong, and in large areas. To experiment these thrilling missions and to be the pilot in command of those firefighting aircraft, there are recent add-ons in MSFS.

Roland Laborie is the author of both the Canadar CL-415 and of the DeHavilland DHC-515 in MSFS, both amphibious who can refill their water tanks in just a few seconds in the rivers, lakes or seas. simMarket produced the above trailer in 4K quality to share the passion of simulation with the flightsim community.

If you wish to acquire both planes, simMarket offers 25% off the 2nd. You have to buy, or already own, the CL-415 for MSFS first. Then, you order separately the DHC-515 , and you will automatically get a 25% discount on the latter product.