SimWorks Studios – Kodiak 100 Floats Preview and Update for the Wheels Variant

If the Sim Update X is available as a Beta version at Microsoft, SimWorks Studios announced that they will wait for the final and public version of the next MSFS official update – planned for August 23rd – for their release of the next variant Kodiak 100 Floats and of the patch for the existing Kodiak 100 Wheels.

This is one of the most popular GA model due to its high level of details. This said, virtual pilots have complained of the too sensible reaction to pitch control input, and SimWorks Studios will also improve the ground handling and the engine power in the next update. They are waiting for the final version of Sim Update X because it could come with new features that they want to take advantage of, and to ensure the highest compatibility level with the latest NXi G1000 by Working Title group.

About the Floats variant to come as a future and standalone product beside the current Kodiak 100 Wheels version, they added that “the flight dynamics are done, and the plane can float reasonably well (?), given MSFS’ flight model limitations.” Final tests at Daher are on the way before release.