PMDG 737-700 MSFS – 1st Update 3.0.2 Released and 737-600 Preview

PMDG have good news for the 737NG pilots. The first update 3.0.2 for the 737-700 in MSFS has been made available. Numerous fixes are included with many targets in the virtual cockpit, and on the exterior model; but not exclusively.

In a separate post of their forum, preview screenshots of the upcoming 737-600 for MSFS appeared. There, PMDG manager gives more information on the development progress of the other variants. As he confessed that they have a slight delay of “7-9 days”, he thinks it’s still possible to release the 737-600 on schedule at the end (initial plan is set on June 20th). And the following variant, the 737-800 announced for August 01st, should not be affected.

Other positive points, are the nearly completed PMDG Lateral / Vertical Path and Autoflight Director Modules, managed by their external software, that will come in the next free updates.