Flight1 – iFly Jets Advanced Series 737NG P3D5

iFly talented developers and their publisher Flight1 released at simMarket their quality package of Jets Advanced Series 737NG for P3D5. Numerous improvements have been included and take advantage of the latest features allowed by the flight simulator of Lockheed Martin.

Built around the Enhanced Atmospherics (TrueSky), the 737NG receives also new 3D models of the virtual cockpit (with VR support), with new logic of the mouse for the panel interaction, new 3D models also for the wingtips, new audio, PBR materials and many more items listed at simMarket.

Beside the base package Advanced Jets Series (that covers the -800/-900 variants), you can add its expansion to simulate the other models (-600/-700/-700ER, -900ER, BBJ1/2/3 and -800BCF Cargo).