TDS Sim Software – GTNXi with Full VC Integration MSFS

Equip your light aircraft with the GTNXi pack from TDS Sim Software, and receive at once both 750Xi and the 650Xi units. They can work either in a standalone software out of MSFS, or they can be also integrated in the 3D virtual cockpit, with Virtual Reality support as well. The features include autopilot, airport diagrams display, dimmable light and more.

Just Flight already announced that their current PA-28s products line for MSFS have already received in their last update the full integrated version of the GTNXi by TDS Sim Software !

More aircraft will benefit of this advanced pack of MSFS gauges, like FlySimware Cessna 414 as well as SimWorks Studios RV-14, both currently under development and not available yet.

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Rob de Vries
Rob de Vries
3 years ago

More aircraft will benefit of this advanced pack of MSFS gauges, like FlySimware Cessna 414 as well as SimWorks Studios RV-14.

Flysimware does not have a Cessna 414 for MSFS? SimWorks Studio doesn not have a RV-14 for MSFS?