simMarket App v1.0.11 Update Released

The simMarket App has been updated, and it should have been downloaded automatically already. Our developers team is currently testing the next round of features that will include the automatic install of MSFS add-ons directly into the simulator after purchase.

For now, the latest version is v1.0.11 and it improves the download status message, allows the Product Demo download through the App. Full details below :

Changelog v1.0.11

  • Active product downloads message: When users quit the app while there are active downloads we are now prompting them to either resume download or quit the app and lose the download progress;
  • Directly download a product demo: For products that have demo links we are now downloading the demo directly through the app instead of externally through the browser:
  • In case of success, the app will display a Go To folder button that when clicked will open the destination folder with the demo selected
  • In case of error, a notification will be shown to inform the user of the download error.

We also added a progress loader to these links for usability and consistency with downloads from the My Products page.

  • Cart and Product Updates Notifications popups improvements: We improved both the cart and notifications popovers display so that they have a more consistent look and usability. Now they have a similar height and a custom scrollbar.
  • Product Review Fix: Fixed a bug in reviews where users that hadn’t purchased a product were allowed to review it regardless. The Review It now button will only appear for purchased products instead of appearing for all products
  • My Products download status UI improvements: We improved the download status and actions display in each product in the downloads page, for a more logical and intuitive perception.