France VFR – LFBD Bordeaux Mérignac P3D5 P3D4
The French team is lining up another P3D5 (and P3D4) major airport in France, only a few days after Strasbourg LFST release. On the opposite
The French team is lining up another P3D5 (and P3D4) major airport in France, only a few days after Strasbourg LFST release. On the opposite
In partnership with BlueBird Simulations, the publisher Just Flight announced for first time and uploaded the first preview pictures of a Boeing 757 project for
The popular aircraft developers team is still working hard on their 737NG project for MSFS, and they have recently published this preview video ! During
Experience the aircraft controls, environment, and sensations, of the military pilots in Swiss Air army during the 1950’s and 1960’s era, flying the De Havilland