IndiaFoxtEcho – F-35 Lightning II MSFS Update v1.0.2

Many flightsim enthusiasts have enjoyed the beautiful and entertaining F-35 Lightning II in MSFS. However, the main developer at IndiaFoxtEcho had to investigate for several weeks to identify and prepare a fix to the reported crash-to-desktop issues.

Despite of the direct help from Asobo Studio, they didn’t find error in the code at first. Finally, recent news from the author let us that the origin of the problems may have been found, in the Helmet Mounted Display System. Get now the updated version 1.0.2 available at simMarket.

We have just released F-35 version 1.0.2 to our vendors. This implements a new HMD which (hopefully) should provide an increased stability for users with random CTDs. Please see the release notes for further details.


  • (Old HMD) Removed obsolete Javascript code for HUD collimation
  • (Old HMD) Removed obsolete Javascript code for Flight Director functions
  • (Old HMD) Removed unused Javascript code for Boeing FMA, ILS and Vertical Speed indicator
  • (Old HMD) Improved symbology collimation
  • NEW HMD: Entirely rewritten on the basis of the F/A-18E HUD from Asobo, with several improvements and customizations
  • Changed engine sound samples and modified volume
  • Added VMFA-314 livery for the F-35C (courtesy of Richard Luycx)
  • Added VMFA-211 high and low viz liveries for F-35B (courtesy of Richard Luycx)
  • Added VMFA-122 high and low viz liveries for F-35B (courtesy of Richard Luycx)
  • Fixed texture mirroring issue on F-35B NLG Doors
  • Fixed US roundel position on F-35C wings lower surfaces
  • Fixed incorrect painting of air intakes inner surfaces (all models)
  • Added different downwash effects (neutral, water and dust) for F-35B when in STOVL mode
  • Improved Low Altitude warning logic
  • Fixed incorrect material assignment in F-35C intakes (virtual cockpit only)
  • Fixed visual hole in aircraft ground shadow (when viewed from the Virtual Cockpit)
  • Added several sounds missing from the virtual cockpit (safety ribbons, ejection seat lever and some switches)
  • Added “click” sound to PCD interaction for improved feedback
  • Minor fix to ICAO codes and model names
  • Reworked pilot visibility conditions (hopefully this shoudl work in multiplayer)
  • Automatic speedbrake retraction if throttle is above 85%
  • Automatic speedbrake extension during landing ground roll
  • Added “radio noise” filtering to LSO voices
  • Improved “Prandtl-Glauert” singularity visibility conditions
  • Special Effects are now visible from the cockpit

– NOTE: due to a glitch in the sim, if you change view when an effect is playing it may stick to “on” condition on the new view. Cycling views will typically fix the glitch.

IMPORTANT – Due to several reports of random CTD issues, we have indentfied the HMD code to be a cause of potential instability on some systems. To fix the problem we have created a new HMD basing it on the Asobo SuperHornet code – however it is missing some functionalities of the “complete” version. The new HMD is the default, the old one can be re-activated by following the instructions at the end of the panel.cfg file in the F-35A panel folder. DO NOT ATTEMPT to change this is you are not familiar with .cfg file editing, although backup .cfgs are included.

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José Gabriel Casanova Casanova
José Gabriel Casanova Casanova
3 years ago

Hola, yo compre el f35 lightningh II con los problemas ya por todos conocidos, podría obtener la actualización gratis, ya que solo he pasado malos ratos y además pagué por el producto. Gracias.