REX – AccuSeason MSFS Update

With the new update applied to REX AccuSeason for MSFS, the developers enhance the colors, season variation and the weekly updates of the vegetation in the new generation flight simulator.

You don’t need to download any file, REX team used their server update put it in.


ENHANCED – Winter deciduous trees (the winter trees that look dormant as they display much less leaves than fully leaved trees) and corresponding scrubs and shrubs to display a more natural and darker tone for Automated Dynamic Seasons, as well as the Cold Snap and Dead of Winter presets.

ENHANCED – Vegetation in the December through February weekly updates to display darker green colors (which are more accurate to this region) during the automated weekly updates for Automated Dynamic Seasons within the Patagonia region in southern Argentina and Chile.

ENHANCED – Vegetation in the December through February weekly updates to display darker green colors (which are more accurate to this region) during the automated weekly updates for Automated Dynamic Seasons within the cities in Australia and New Zealand.

INCREASED – Variety of trees by adding a variation of pine trees within regions that contain both deciduous and conifer trees for Automated Dynamic Seasons.

ADDED – The weeks for February for Automated Dynamic Seasons, except the final week, which is when the Spring season starts to transition in. More to come soon!