Aeroplane Heaven – Updates for Spitfire MSFS and Sabreliner P3D

The successful Supermarine Spitfire Mk-1A for MSFS received a Service Update v1.5 from Aeroplane Heaven. And in certain conditions since the release of the official Sim Update VI for the simulator, you may suffer from an issue causing a crash to desktop. This last problem can be fixed by a single file ONLY – the aircraft.cfg. .Just use the new file to overwrite the one existing in the current folder.

If you already own the Spitfire and are up to date with Service Upgrade V1.5, you can download the file from the official website. Or, if you prefer, you can download the whole package from simMarket.

Second aircraft of their collection to be updated, the North American Rockwell Sabreliner that flies in P3D 4.5 and P3D 5, the new update “addresses issues reported by some owners and revised materials and textures for better rendering in P3DV5.2.”


  • Exterior models:Revised materials and textures for V5.2
  • Revised Navigation light pockets
  • Corrected Landing lights
  • Interior models:Revised warning light panel (all lights can now be extinguished)
  • Revised materials and textures for V5.2 to correct “dark” cockpit.

There’s more for MSFS pilots, the next two videos are for those who own the Supermarine Spitfire, with an overview video of the latest update v1.5, then a cockpit guide video.

Introduction to the Service Upgrade V1.5 of Supermarine Spitfire MSFS
Supermarine Spitfire Cockpi guide and flying notes MSFS