HiFi Simulations – ASP3D Update Officially Released

The press release sent by HiFi Simulation Technologies inform the Prepar3D community that they officialy released the new update for ActiveSky P3D, build number 7877.

The popular weather and environment manager for P3D5 and P3D4.5 brings several improvements, through a free update that you can download here.


B7877 of ActiveSky P3D has been officially released!

This newest update of ASP3D includes several improvements including enhanced EA (Enhanced Atmospherics) mode features with volumetric cloud transition smoothing enhancements, volumetric fog visibility improvements, better P3D version awareness and improved P3D 5.2HF1 integration.

This is a free update for all ASP3D users, available now at https://hifisimtech.com/downloads.

This latest version of the award-winning ActiveSky weather engine is made possible by dedicated developers, pilots, simmers, testers and supporters who are in pursuit of the best realism-based weather experience possible. Thanks to the continued support of ActiveSky, development continues on the P3D platform with many more features and enhancements in the works.