FlightControlReplay v4.5 June Update for MSFS – P3D FSX Out Now!

FlightControlReplay v4.5 June Update has been released !

Fabio Merlo announced the June Update for the version 4.5 of FlightControlReplay Professional : among the best sellers and the most complete Record / Replay utility for MSFS, P3D5 – P3D1 and FSX.

Another set of NEW features have been added, and we seriously enhanced PlayAsAI mode with 5 ghosts aircraft support at once in each FCR instance. Unlimited traffic is even possible with more FCR instances.

It’s now possible to switch view to an AI airplane (PlayAsAI mode), and even take control of it.

During a Replay, you can now modify live the aircraft gear status, and also retake control of it in flight at anytime.

The update is FREE for all registered users.

Please uninstall your current version, download the updated setup from your customer account, and install this new version.


  • NEW FEATURE ADDED        Realtime FlightRecorded modification: Apply an Altitude Offset to your aircraft during Replay.
  • FEATURE ENHANCEMENT PlayASAI now supports up to 5 planes in each FCR instance. Remember that with more instances of FCR, you can create infinite traffic.
  • NEW FEATURE ADDED        Aircraft Gear status : Force the gear status Up, Down, or let it automatic during Replay, and apply live !
  • NEW FEATURE ADDED        Aircraft Control Toggle : Switch view and take control of one selected AI plane (PlayAsAI mode), or take control of your own aircraft during a Replay. You can toggle it off in order to give back controls to FlightControlReplay that returns in line with the values of the recorded flight.
  • New Enhancements on Algorithm for PlayAsAI for both P3D and MSFS
  • Smooth Movements for plane flight surfaces
  • Fixed bugs