ToLiss – A319 X-Plane 10/11 Updated v1.6.1

Already very popular, the Airbus A319 simulation for X-Plane by ToLiss has still continuous attention from its developers.

The latest update v1.6.1 can fix some CPU issues introduced by the previous build, and other minor bug fixes are included. Use the Updater tool or redownload from your simMarket customer account.

  • Fixed the excessive CPU consumption of the Equitime point function (increases fps)
  • Fixed ground spoiler activation logic when deploying reversers
  • Improved the Dome lighting at night
  • Fixed a flight plan caching issue leading to wrong airport identification at high latitudes
  • When reloading a situation faults are now correctly reinstated or reset
  • Added triple click when the V/S protection mode engages
  • Fixed A/THR arming logic for OEI Go arounds
  • Fixed issues with the fault injection logics, when the ISCS remains on the fault injection page
  • Improved functionality of the fault injection datarefs
  • Improved NavAid Autotuning.
  • Improved EGT computations to consider random sensor offset and effect of bleed and electric power use
  • Improved issue with route caching routine, including the option to turn off in flight cache updates
  • Jump to waypoint now advances the chronos as well as x-planes time