FS2Crew – Development for FBW A32NX MSFS

It’s probably still the most used airliner in MSFS because the A320 has always been very popular, and also thanks to FlyByWire Simulations who provides their advanced and freeware package based on the default Airbus.

FS2Crew announce their first complete airline crew simulation add-on for MSFS is developed for the A32NX. Flying the A320 Neo will get even more immersive and realistic with actual airlines procedures, check-lists, task management, crew interaction..

Various FS2Crew P3D products are currently on sale 30% OFF at simMarket, including Ultimate Ground Crew, 787 QualityWings edition, FSlabs A320, PMDG 747 QOTS II.. and

FS2Crew PMDG 737 NGXu updated v1.9

Small update for this edition of the popular 737 NGXu for P3D5 P3D4, see its changelog below :

  • 1. Fixed a bug in Button Control that would result in the After Start flow happening prematurely on the 2nd leg if you did a single-engine taxi in on the 1st leg.
  • 2. Add a new config option based on user request.  The new option is on the Main Cfg Option panel on the Secondary Panel.


If selected to Yes, the FO will automatically turn off the fuel pumps in Cruise and Descent once the center fuel tanks reach a certain level.

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3 years ago

It’s amazing how volunteers could make a better product compared to paid “professionals”. May be those Microsoft and Asobo developers are not getting paid to develop a sim but just a game. We’ll get there some day, unless P3D or XP comes up with better software!