FS2Crew – PMDG 777 Edition Update 3.4

FS2Crew is pleased to announce that FS2Crew for the PMDG 777 has been updated to Version 3.4.

This is a free update that brings FS2Crew in line with the recent PMDG 777 update. Right, the product is on sale at simMarket, 29% OFF until March 19th.

Change log:

1. Coughing and paper sounds removed per user request.
2. Ground service handling updated to match new menu layout in the latest PMDG update.
3. 4K (scaling) monitor support (you need to disable then reenable FS2Crew in the FS2Crew Config Manager) to refresh your panel.cfg with the associated changes.
4. Voice command for Auto Throttle: FO will now control both auto throttle switches.

To obtain the update, login to your account, re-download and re-install the full product.