IndiaFoxtEcho – Incoming Update for MB-339 in MSFS

It’s been the first popular and quality aircraft add-on for MSFS, and IndiaFoxtEcho has still some areas for further improvements in order to fix a few remaining and small bugs.

They mentioned a new update two weeks ago, but it’s not ready yet. Anyway, we’re confident that they will handle that well. Just a few more patience, and the MB-339 will get its new update.

Current list of this update content :

  • remastered all external textures with higher detail
  • changed HSI DME last digit animation (now continuous)
  • fixed landing gear extraction and damaging speeds
  • fixed bug that caused deletion of panel cover if gunsight is removed from A model
  • decreased FD vertical bar sensitivity
  • changed rule of GS engagement from GS ARM
  • improved engine dynamics
  • redone Wwise engine sounds, based on real world samples
  • fixed minor bug in Tacan/Frequency conversion
  • fixed minor bug in RDU display not showing the correct frequencies for COM1 in some case
  • added indication of X/Y Tacan channel
  • improved cockpit self shadowing
  • rear view mirror are now foldable