FlightControlReplay V4.5 Update – MSFS Support & New Features

Fabio Merlo presents the new version 4.5 of FlightControlReplay Professional : the most complete recording and replay software, with numerous and advanced features, compatible with multiple flight simulators.

For what ? FlightControlReplay records, replays, rewinds, simulates formation flight and restores your flight in your last known position in case of Crash To Desktop (in ReLive Instant Mode).

For who ? Simmers flying with MSFS, P3D V5-V1 and FSX.

The update is FREE for existing users of FlightControlReplay. Just redownload the new product from your simMarket customer account.

I – What’s new in FlightControlReplay Professional version 4.5 ?

➔    Microsoft Flight Simulator support added

➔    Video Rendering Mode : Records a MP4 compressed video rendered with frame by frame technology of FCR for a smooth video whatever the FPS you had in the sim.

➔    Change Recording Camera : Any simulator camera available anytime. FCR lets you select any simulator default camera available during your flight replay. Select the views among the Cockpit / External / Showcase categories, instruments and external views supported by tghe sim.

➔    Re-Live Instant Replay : Rewind and Play again. FCR is also a live recorder and player. While flying in Instant Replay mode, go backward over the last 2 minutes. Avoid your last error and resume the flight whener you want, and replay correctly.

➔    PlayAsAI : Simulate formation flight with your recorded flight played by AI. Ghosts aircraft can fly beside, above or behind you. FCR makes your recorded flight a customizable flight path applied to AI aircraft. Setup the offset distance and angle easily. Unlimited number of ghosts with more instances of FCR.

➔    Record/Play Algorithm :Enhancements, stutter fixed with PlayAsAI

➔    Load Replay with/without flight situation settings : When you load your recorded flight in FCR, choose to restore the weather/time/aircraft or keep your current situation settings.

➔    Restore your plane in last known position in case of Crash To Desktop :Re-Live Instant Replay must be activated

➔    Video Rendering Speed option : (1/4 – x4) for User Object and also for AI Objects

➔    Microsoft “Surface Dial Integration” :  in P3D Enhanced + MSFS (FSX not supported)

➔    FlightIllusion “GSA-42 integration” :compass hardware module support added

➔    DOFREALITY Motion platform :support added

II – More existing features in FlightControlReplay :

  •       Airliner Add-ons enhanced support for recording and playing :
    • PMDG 737 / 777 / 747
    • Majestic Q400
    • QualityWings 787 Ultimate Collection

•       InGame Dynamic Text during Replay : User can write customizable notes at any point in a Replay Flight loaded in FCR using Dynamic Text buttons that appears below the time slider.

•       Parallel 42 (ex-FSFX) Immersion Effects Compatibility : User can see Immersion Effects on his airplane! Also directly when you replay with FlightControlReplay!

•       Helicopters Enhancements User can Record and Play Flight Situation also with Helicopters!

•       PlayMode Simulation Rate User can modify the Simulation Rate (during the PlayMode) using 4 buttons in main User Interface (2x, 8x, Slow and Fast). This allows to edit more complex videos and to analyze in a better way your flight maneuvers.

•       Introduce Multi Instances Thanks to the system architecture renewed, you can manage more than one instance of FCR at the same time.

•       Customizable Record FrameRate User can choose at which Frame Rate he wants to record the flight situation. FPS allowed are from 0 to 99.

•       Custom Altitude Trigger Value to Start Recording User can choose at which Altitude (above or below) the system can start recording the flight.

•       X-Box Controller support This allows to move the timeline slider and / or map buttons for Play / Record / Stop / Pause features.

•       Voice Command Recognition for all record and play features of FCR Now you can speak to the software and it starts to record, play, go forward and go backward according to your voice command.

•       Start recording automatically if you fly (above or below) determinated Altitude: Use this option and set an altitude value to make the system start recording above or below the desired altitude

•       Automatically export flight data for GOOGLE Earth 3d and Maps Format (KMLFile): The User can choose to save automatically a new KML file with the same name as the flight recorded to view it in Google Earth 3D (or Google Maps). Watch the 3D rendering of the recorded flight in Google Earth 3D and analyze it !

•      Record Audio During Flight Recording: User can select an hardware audio input (ex. Microphone) to record both audio and flight data.

•      Play Recorded Audio during Play Mode: User can choose to play recorded audio during a flight replay or not.

•      Set Device Button shortcuts for in-flight controls.

Next updates for more features, more improvements, will be FREE for registered users !