Day: December 4, 2020

JustSim – Düsseldorf MSFS Released

Located in Germany between Cologne and Dortmund and not very far from the border with Netherlands, Düsseldorf airport (EDDL) This is where JustSim dropped their

Honeycomb – Bravo Center Console

Hoenycomb is progressing on the prototype of their Bravo Center Console, that will complete their Bravo Throttle Quadrant in order to use a mouse and/or

Aerosoft – CRJ Progress in MSFS

Certainly the most advanced project of a complex airliner for Microsoft Flight Simulator, Aerosoft gave more details on the work-in-progress status of the CRJ !

Simbreeze – Düsseldorf DE Update 1.1

Simbreeze announced an update v1.1 for their MSFS scenery in Germany of Düsseldorf airport (EDDL). It will fix the dynamic lights, modify the jetways, and