ToLiss – A321 X-Plane Update

After the A319 in X-Plane,  the A321 of ToLiss received its update too. It benefits of the same improvements : the PFD, ND drawing performance, RAD NAV page reworked… and FMOD sounds support.

The complete changelog v1.1 is copied below.

Major new features:

  • Sound system fully transitioned to FMOD sounds including new sounds such as door opening/closing, electric hydraulic pump, brake fans, and many more
  • Joystick command support for TCA Sidestick and Thrust levers
  • Addition of the Bottom of Descent and Descent profile intercept indicators
  • Added simplified rain effects that also work under Vulkan/Metal
  • Complete rework of PFD and ND drawing to improve representation accuracy and drawing performance (time required to draw cut in half on our test platform)
  • Complete rework of the RAD NAV page, including custom VOR and NDB reception and decoding routines, appropriate ID vs frequency NavAid tuning and FMGS messages when performing manual ILS overrides.
  • Big improvements to the SmartCopilot support: Both sides can brake, sidestick inputs are used simultaneously with Airbus style input priority logic, Popup MCDU is now useable
Minor new features:
  • Added Stay-out zone for IAE engine on ground
  • Adapted TCAS to new XP11.50 interface – now supporting up to 63 other aircraft
  • Adapted TCAS to not issue alerts when flying parallel approaches, e.g. in KSFO
  • Fine tuning of engine start timing to better reflect the differences between CFM and IAE engine
  • Fine tuning of engine auto ignition logic
  • Activation does not required aircraft reload anymore
  • Idle factor on MCDU status page can be used to stretch or shrink the descent
  • INIT page values CRZ TEMP and TROPO enter into the vertical FMGS predictions
  • The pilot can now overwrite the ALTN fuel on the MCDU INIT B page
  • Added functionality on OHP maintenance panel, like Blue pump override and FADEC ground power
  • Main landing gear compression sounds are now faded in accordance with 3d sound fading option
  • Improved flight phase logic for serial traffic circuits with full stop landings in between.
Bug fixes:
  • Improved landing gear strut absorber deflections for more realistic ground attitude
  • Fixed SD page displayed after landing after engine shutdown – it’s back to DOOR/OXY as it should be
  • Reduced time to disarm slides after landing when engines shut down and beacon off.
  • Fixed numerous replay issues
  • Fixed ISI reset issue on power transients
  • Fixed TCAS panel CLR button behaviour
  • Fixed cockpit brake pedal animations.
  • GPWS does not issue glide slope warning anymore, unless you are on a ILS approach.
  • LAND ASAP is now displayed above secondary failures, as it is in real life.
  • Fixes to automatic SD page selection logic when ENG mode selector is set to IGN.
  • Improvements to the display logics of the MCDU flight plan page.
  • Corrected load assignments between generators to avoid generating power out of nothing.
  • 3D cockpit model fixes
  • Display of minima in the FMA now starts at 250NM from destination even when in phase cruise
  • Improved Glide Slope tracking performance
  • Improved GPWS mode 2 performance to reduce occurance of false warnings
  • Fixed behaviour of FIX INFO page when two radials are entered and the first radial is cleared
  • When copying the active FPLN into the SEC FPLN, the SEC FPLN page is now called automatically
  • In DES phase, when extending flaps or slats, the managed speed target remains unaffected now, as it should
  • When moving the thrust levers into reverse prior to touch down, the associated ECAM warning now self-clears upon touch-down
  • Speed target in GA phase reduced to Green dot (rather than 250kts/CI speed)
  • During TO, in SRS mode, the magenta bug now remains on the V2 mark, but the AP controls pitch to achieve a speed between V2+10 and V2+20 when all engines are operating
  • KEDW is now available as an airport again.