FS-FlightControl Supports the New MSFS (FS2020)

It’s now official for FS-FlightControl, its latest update allows him to work and connect with Flight Simulator, beside other simulators compatibility (P3D, X-Plane, FSX). This software is used to create and trigger, specific or random failures. You can also set the weather settings and define the location of your aircraft anywhere even in approach situation.

Press Release copy :

Two days before the official release of the new Microsoft Flight Simulator (FS2020) FS-FlightControl has released today an update to support this major new flight simulation platform:

The new version enables connecting to Microsoft Flight Simulator, automatic path detections as well as support for the extended BGL scenery data format during database build.

Except for a few options, especially related to weather, that are not yet supported by the SimConnect interface of the new simulator, all features of FS-FlightControl are now fully functional also with the new Microsoft Flight Simulator (FS2020)!

About FS-FlightControl

FS-FlightControl, a touch-optimized Instructor Station for MSFS 2020, Prepar3D, X-Plane and FSX, assists Simulator Operators, Flight Simulation Enthusiasts as well as Home Simmers to get the most out of their flight simulator.

The Instructor Station allows the user to set the aircraft on an approach to any airport runway, define weather conditions as well as trigger specific or choose random aircraft system failures.

FS-FlightControl also comes with a very detailed moving map, optionally with street, satellite or height map background, including airport taxi way layouts. It includes the possibility to plan flights directly in FS-FlightControl with the option to exchange them with many relevant products.

Furthermore, the flight and landing performance can be tracked and – also graphically – evaluated. More features are fuel and load planning, pushback control as well as remote controlling of network computers.
