MSFS – Setup your controls Tutorial Video

With the welcome help of the Youtuber Squirrel, this tutorial video is the guide to setup your controls ready for Flight Simulator.

Map the buttons, set the axis to the command of your choice and so on.

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David Williams
David Williams
4 years ago

Very productive presentation and gives answers on many issues.

4 years ago

In MS FS 2020 is it possible to use the POV High Hat to slowly pan round in an external view. I have tried to find this option under controls but to no avail. Please help.

4 years ago

I understand that the creator of LittleNavMap is attempting to have it available for MS FS 2020. I do hope that he is successful, as I still consider the map in FS 2020 is not detailed enough. I have used LittleNavMap with X-Plane 11, and this addition would really be the icing on the cake.