This week at FS2Crew, the major update is for Ultimate Ground Crew X, that goes version 2.0 with Majestic Dash 8 support for its pushback. UGCX is back on sale 50% OFF at simMarket until June 30th.
Another small update is also available for FS2Crew Qualitywings 787 Edition.
By the way, they also announced that their next airliner edition will be for Aerosoft CRJ 700/900.
FS2Crew changelog :
“–>QualityWings 787: Version 1.2 is now current!
*FO will now press ‘ND’ and ‘CDU’ on checklist completion.
*Misc improvements.
–>Ultimate Ground Crew X: Version 2.0 is now current!
*Majestic Dash 8 Support. You can now Push the Dash 8 back!
*New “Freeze” pushback method option. (PMDG users seem to benefit most from it).
*Fixed Add-on.xml file reader.
*Add option to ‘exclude’ scenery areas such as heliports.
*And more!”