Service Pack 1.1 available for the DC-3 and C-47 packs of Aeroplane Heaven ! Officially, the aircraft remain compatible with P3D V4.5. The new files are waiting for you in your customer account at simMarket.
For P3D V5 compatibility, they are waiting for fixes from other partners, for the GTN integration, the rain effects, and even for a few PBR issues from the graphics engine.
Changelog :
- 1) Exterior models
- Landing gear geometry refined and re-aligned.
- Props enlarged slightly.
- Missing vents replaced on starboard nacelles.
- Various texture modifications, particularly to wing/flap areas.
- Flaps shortened to align with wing trailing edges.
- Added optional 2k texture installer for slower computers.
- 2) Interior models
- Landing gear lever now in down position by default
- Landing gear safety latch routine adjusted to be automatic on return of gear lever to neutral position
- Turn/Slip ball animation reversed.
- Ground Power routine re-coded and a Ground Power three way switch added to left eyebrow panel.
- Kohlsman cylinder re-calibrated.
- Cabins added to C-47 cargo and Cargo-clean models.
- Manifold Gauge selector switch corrected to return to gauges to normal when reset.
- INOP OAT gauge rectified.
- Gear warning horn cancel switch added. (Replaces the “Keying” switch on right eyebrow panel.)
- Sounds added for some levers such as gear and hydraulics and sliding windows
- Internal cockpit glazing dynamic reflections removed for clearer views
- RMI VOR Needles ( NAv1 and Nav2) corrected.
- ADF (Radio Compass) needle fixed.
- VSI needle re-calibrated.
- Recognition switch (Blue) animation corrected. (C-47)
- 3) Flight Dynamics
- Various adjustments made including fuel burn and drag co-efficients.