Just Flight – DC Designs FA-18 E, F & G Super Hornet FSX P3D

Add a realistic and very detailed model of the FA-18 E, F & G Super Hornet to your sim ! The virtual cockpit and the exterior model look incredible, and the animations are numerous.

Check the comprehensive features list visible at simMarket. For the best experience in marine operations, note that it’s fully “compatibie with SimWorks Studios’ CEX aircraft carriers.

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4 years ago

I bought it and I regret it.

Very poor performance and system depth.

It crashed my Prepar3d4 but at least later it worked.

Starting the engine ends up in a permanent loop and the 55% rpm stated in
the manual do never display on the engine display.

I fly much more complex acs but they are not so messy to start an engine by the checklist.

Maybe if you like eye candy and not very deep system simulation it is ok but it should be
cheaper then and at least usable.

Be aware most of the knobs and buttons have no real function and I do not believe that this
rendition of the aircraft has anything to do with the real one.

Real one = VRS for example or F18 in DCS, that is real professional stuff.