TOGA Projects – EnvSound FSX P3D

Add a new layer of realism and immersion to your simulator (P3D v4/v1 and FSX) with EnvSound. It’s very easy and efficient : in more than 80.000 locations worldwide, high fidelity sounds come to empty the lack of audio experience.

For the coast environment, animals, glaciers or harbors, many places and situations will provide a new and immersive experience. Developed by TOGA Projects, authors of the popular EnvTex and EnvShade. And it’s available on sale 11% off until January 11.

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Jean-Claude Bailly
Jean-Claude Bailly
5 years ago

Why a background music!!! You are selling a sound software through this video, presumably to make your prospective clients evaluating your offer, but you cover those – natural – sounds with a stupid noisy music! Where is the logic please?

Maxime Konareff
Maxime Konareff
5 years ago

This is just a trailer, other videos without any music are available on the simmarket envsound page.