FS2Crew – PMDG 737 NGX Reboot V3.2 update

Just a few days after the update release v3.3 for FS2Crew: Aerosoft Airbus Pro 64bit, it’s now the turn of their PMDG 737 NGX Reboot 64bit pack to be updated, v3.2.

A few commands, operations and bugs have been fixed, see the following changelog to get all the details. www.fs2crew.com

Change Log for V3.2:

1. “Cancel checklist” command removed as it could trigger audio loss.

2. New Config Option (YES/NO): FO enter Vref during the arrival setup.

3. SOP 3: EFIS “Airport” Button during Station Setup fixed.

4. Suppress Flap movement check config option saved option working now.

5. “Set Dome Light Off” voice command fixed.

6. Ground Crew voice in the USA region (fueller had an Aussi accent previously in the USA region).

7. Bug fixes.

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6 years ago


6 years ago

There’s a small error the above message. 3.2 has not yet been officially released. We’re looking for people who want to test the 3.2 change log.

If you own the P3D V4 version of FS2Crew NGX Reboot and you want to test the Change Log for 3.2, please contact us at: http://www.fs2crew.com Send us a support ticket.

Johannes de Jong
Johannes de Jong
6 years ago
Reply to  FS2Crew

have P3D V4.4 and FS2Crew NGX Reboot v3.1 and use only button version ,may be i can test the change log

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