Flight 1 – FS Stall Effects Release

New addon tool released by Flight 1 : FS Stall Effects allows any aircraft of P3D v4/v3 or FSX to simulate the pre-stall buffeting effect.

Without alteration of the aircraft files, the interface enables to setup the effects and incidence settings.

“FS Stall Effects is a unique add-on for FSX, FSX Steam Edition, Prepar3Dv3, and Prepar3Dv4 designed to provide a more realistic flight experience by adding visual and aural sensations of an aircraft experiencing pre-stall buffeting.

 One of the short comings of the MSFS family of flight simulators is that they don’t have the built-in ability to simulate the pre-stall buffeting that can occur in the real world when an aircraft approaches a stall. FS Stall Effects fills that gap in the simulated flight experience by emulating the visual and aural sensations of aircraft buffeting.

FS Stall Effects includes a highly configurable interface that allows simple point-and-click operation to install and manage the stall characteristics of any fixed wing aircraft in any of the supported simulator versions (FSX & P3Dv1, v2, v3 & v4), without changing any aircraft, model, panel, or sound configuration files.  Adjust buffet starting points, magnitudes, incident rates and engine vibration magnitude on the airframe.

To add more realism to your add-on aircraft and for more information on the product, click on the link below to download and purchase FS Stall Effects today.”