FSLabs – New Feature in A319-X

After the icing simulation including the frost and the accumulation on the A319-X, Flight Sim Labs announced another exclusivity to come in their next expansion for the A320-X.

After watching an actual A319 cockpit video with a dirty glareshield, they thought they could achieve a dynamic “bug splatter effects”. It will be affected by the season and the time of day you fly.

Press release copy

02 June 18 – Flight Sim Labs this afternoon unveiled the latest of their A319-X exclusive features – dynamic windshield bug splatter effects.

Gone are the days of sitting in a pristine, clinical ‘just washed’ flight deck – as an A319-X pilot you’ll be fully immersed in the cockpit environment with bug splats so real you’ll find yourself cleaning your computer screen!

The fully dynamic splatters are tuned only to occur in the correct atmospheric conditions, in spring and summer seasons and over land mass, so if you depart on a warm summer’s evening you’ll note more impacts on the windows than if you were flying on a cooler morning.

“The idea came to us one afternoon over a coffee in the office,” said Flight Sim Labs founder Lefteris Kalamaras. “We were looking at a reference photograph of a real A319 flight deck to check the Virtual Cockpit modelling, when we noticed the screens were covered in streaks and bug splatters. Someone said ‘wouldn’t it be cool if we could model that dynamically?’ – so we did.”

The effects are persistent across sim sessions so even if you shut down Prepar3D, next time you load up the A319-X the same splatters will be in place until you clean the windscreens.

The splatters are affected by external environmental conditions in the air – but you’ll need to ask maintenance to clean the windows for you on the ground. They get quite dirty after a few sectors at this time of year!

The A319-X will be a paid expansion to Flight Sim Labs’ highly acclaimed A320-X, exclusively on the Prepar3D v4 platform. Stay tuned for details of more cracking new and exclusive features still to be revealed…

About the A319-X:

The A319-X is an upcoming expansion package for Flight Sim Labs’ highly acclaimed A320-X on Lockheed Martin’s Prepar3D v4 platform. As well as a number of yet-to-be-announced unique features, the A319-X will include:

  • Ground-breaking custom aircraft icing model, with dynamic build-up of ice based on actual atmospheric conditions and authentic effects on aircraft and engine performance and dynamic visual effects – check the aircraft is free of contamination during your walkaround, and see ice building in real time when flying through icing conditions
  • De- and anti-icing with realistic hold-over times, fully integrated with GSX de-icing equipment
  • Dynamic windshield effects including dynamic bug splatter tuned to occur only in the correct atmospheric conditions, seasons and over land mass
  • A truly unique and immersive sound experience – utilising hundreds of recordings from the real aircraft.
  • Custom ground friction models to simulate proper ground handling (single engine taxi).
  • Brake models tuned to match real world performance in all weather environments
  • Over 60,000 electrical components simulated and connected via simulated electrical and data driven networks.
  • Every aircraft component within the Fuel, Hydraulic and Pneumatic systems has been modelled, making the aircraft feel alive.
  • Dual FMGS that follows the ARINC 424-19 specification in detail and faithfully simulates lateral and vertical flight path guidance.
  • Complete flight control system, featuring Normal Law, Alternate Law, Abnormal Attitude Law, Direct Law and Mechanical Backup. The Fly-By-Wire system faithfully represents the feeling of flying the real world aircraft

About Flight Sim Labs:

Flight Sim Labs Ltd. (Flight Sim Labs) is a company specializing in various add-on products and services for the Microsoft Flight Simulator and Lockheed Martin Prepar3D families. Flight Sim Labs is currently focusing on several different flight simulation products, such as:

  • Highly realistic aircraft add-ons including the A320-X, the first truly realistic Airbus add-on in the desktop simulation environment thanks to its ‘whole aircraft’ simulation model that offers a level of system fidelity and immersion beyond anything else available for a desktop computer
  • Pioneering work in the areas of sound and graphic immersion
  • Specialized tools for the world’s most popular Flight Simulator add-on airliners, including the highly-acclaimed FSLSpotlights
  • Programming and design services to other highly demanding add-on producers, on a project basis