Flash Info

Cielosim - Jacksonville KJAX preview Sept 16Various product update, scenery preview and announcement popped up lately :

  • Cielosim will hit the stores soon with Jacksonville KJAX for FSX, FSX:SE and P3D. Stunning work again after the popular Palo Alto KPAO.
  • FS2Crew updates 737 NGX Reboot in Version 3.0. No need to uninstall, but redownload and launch the full installer. (new voice callouts, rejected takeoff loop, and many more). Full changelog here.
  • 29Palms announce they’re coming back from Skiathos. They will update their current product scenery with new design techniques and will add the new apron and runway extension.
  • Drzewiecki Design is concentrated on their Polish Airports series. In the volume 2, we’ll see, among other airports, EPRA Radom with its terminal in 3D.