FSFX Packages have just sent us their latest press release, thus being regarding their Q2 update for 2016. You may find the full press release below, and on their site. It certainly covers a lot, and I can’t wait for more information regarding Q400 immersion.
“While updating PrecipitFX to support VFXCentral, we added a few requested options to make your life easier. PrecipitFX now supports Prepar3D’s new source directories system, meaning that aircraft located outside of the main SimObjects folder are now supported. Steam-Edition DLCs are also now supported. And while we’re here, DX10 support is now built-in. No need for an external converter anymore. VFXCentral will scan for new aircraft on every startup, making sure PrecipitFX is active on every new aircraft you install. It’s a big update and it’s a free one for PrecipitFX owners.”
Q400 Immersion
“Things have moved a lot on the Q400 Immersion project over the last few months. Wing Condensation, Propeller Vortices, Volumetric Lighting, Wheels Spray effects are progressing well and we are now tuning their behaviors to match those of the real aircraft. If all goes according to plan, we should enter Beta by the end of the month. There are still some issues to figure out that may or may not prevent the project from entering Beta in time but we are fairly confident about this time frame.”
Trike Immersion
“Some of you might have seen it, Trike Immersion is available through the month of April for every FSFX Packages customers. It is an April Fool but it’s a real freebie at the same time You can install it directly through VFXCentral until April 30th. You can read the manual here to know all about Trike Immersion.”
Next aircraft?
We have a long list of aircraft to survey. Some of them are released, some aren’t yet! Let us know what aircraft you’d like us to work on in the AVSIM forum thread!
Every product now in VFX Central
“Last February, we finally wrapped up our conversion of 777 Immersion, A320 Family Immersion and PrecipitFX to our VFXCentral application. You can now install everything from VFXCentral directly. No need for individual installers anymore. Learn more about VFXCentral.”
New payment system
“We are introducing a new payment methods on the website. A lot of you asked for this change and we really are happy to have found a solution that fits our needs! You are now able to pay directly using your credit card without the need to go through PayPal.”
Update to our Immersion packs
“We are planning an update for 777 Immersion and A320 Family Immersion to use the same technologies we used in 737 Immersion (i.e. longer light beams and enhanced wing condensation). We can’t give an exact date for this update but it is high up on our todo list right now!”
FlightsimCon 2016
“We will be at FlightSimCon 2016 (June 11-12) again this year along with many other developers. Meet us there with exclusive look at future FSFX Packages products and for giveaways during both days. Get more infos on the FlightSimCon website.“”