Aerosoft – F-14 X Extended Released/Updated


Aerosoft’s F-14 X has just been updated today, and subsequently renamed to F-14 X Extended due to the vast amount of changes made and new features added. From within the huge change list you will find many newly added features found below. New 3D Landing light ground illuminations, improved flap lever and sweep lever interface and many others are what you can expect. All customers of the initial release will get this version without any additional costs. You will simply find the new version on your order history page. If you are a new customer, then you can buy it on simMarket. Press release below.

General Code/System Improvements
+ Fixed E-Gen Switch logic
+ Crew Visibility
+ Ground Power (Selectable)
+ “Speedbrake” no longer displayed with Flaps Down in 2D Mini-HUD
+ Contrails now display above ~32,000 ft
+ Fix Lua items in Manuals
+ Added 33 new lua function for new features (below)
+ Added Key Events for PITOT heat and Panel Lights
+ “REFUELLING’ Message now displays in B model HUD for the A-6 Tanker
+ A-6 Tanker hook-up window increased to compensate for model clipping from the VC

+ Added 3D landing light, ground illuminates (Thank you Anthony Lynch!!)
+ Many xml systems converted to C++ for more robust function
+ Auto Throttle logic improved and more robust
* A model now exhibits more realistic cyclic type control system
* B model now exhibits a smoother and more modern control system
+ All control surfaces now exhibit more authentic hydraulic response
* Includes Rate limitations and time constant damped responses to control input (sourced from NASA)
* Implemented (authentic) octogonal control response such that inputs are cut at the ‘corners’ of maximum combined control input
* Strongly recommended that users push the controls around from an external view to see input-output delays and responses.

+ Wing-sweep, Flaps, DLC, and Glove vanes now directly animated through C++.

* Flap lever and sweep lever interface improved

* Animation state now directly corresponds with the augmented lift provided through SimConnect

* Wings will stop moving if any sweep interlock is encountered (e.g. if flaps are mid-retraction)
+ ARI/SAS system more authentic by implementing time-constants, damping, and other gain adjustments (all sourced from NASA).
+ Built from scratch airspeed system that starts with Ambient Air properties and ends with Indicated Airspeed using NATOPS data
+ Steam gauges now exhibit errors in transonic flight and with the refuelling probe extended
+ DLC and Maneuver Flap Logic reworked
– DLC ON/OFF Toggle (Implemented through EXT/RET Floats)
* Only one button needed, both serve as a “toggle” function
– DLC and Maneuver Flap Thumbwheel [Incr/Decr] (Implemented through INCR/DECR COWL FLAPS)
* Thumbwheel is spring loaded to return to center
* A pilot command input will be held until either cancelled by the pilot, or until the next scheduled CADC deflection ‘intercepts’ the current maneuver flap deflection

+ Radar returns to previous setting after breaking lock rather than resetting
+ Change Kitty Hawk TACAN channel changed to 109.00 – 27X for better multiplayer compatibility
+ Added team SDB USS Enterprise at 110.50 – 42X
+ TACAN channels for all common carriers are now displayed on reference plate just below pilot TACAN input
+ TACAN/GPS data on BDHI removed in A2A or A2G modes
+ Added ability to change course setting with active TACAN
+ Added Friendly-Unfriendly track designation to TID
* Tracks can be designated in TWS mode or STT mode, including when viewing through TCS (TacPack)

USS Kitty Hawk
+ FLOLS Lights do not Float away in P3D

+ Baked textures (Thank you Metal2Mesh!)
+ Improved and P3D v2.X and v3.X compatible wake effect (Thank you Vince McCoy!!)

RIO Stick is now active
+ Can be assigned to button input or take input directly from hardware joystick
+ Mode 1: Target Selection from the TID
+ Mode 2: Target Selection from the DDD
+ Mode 3: Radar Steering in AZ and EL
+ Mode 4: Slew input for TCS and LANTIRN Targeting Pod (TacPack only)
+ Targets can now be identified as ‘friendly’ or ‘hostile’

+ TACAN compatibility added for TacPack spawned carriers
+ P3D compatibility
+ Late model F-14’s have C model AIM-54’s
+ TCS now implemented with two (correct) zoom levels, rather than continuous zoom.
+ Added TARPS Digital Integration (DI)
– Any TID mode other than ‘TCS’ mode with a Tarps pod installed will link video feed to VDI and TID
+ Brightness and Contrast knobs on the RIO TID adjust all TV images
+ Manual Chaff/flare dispense (uses DLC Toggle when GEAR UP)

Guns (TacPack)
+ Gun now fires 100 round salvos
+ Salvo size can be switched between 50 or 100 using lua input
+ Early trigger release can cause the gun to jam
* Gun jams are only simulated if compressor stalls are enabled
+ Guns now have dedicated A/G operation
* Armed as primary A/G weapon if no bomb ordnance is selected, and Guns are selected in the Pilot’s seat
* Armed as secondary weapon using ‘mixed’ mode (RIO seat), enabling bombs and guns on a single strafing pass

TCS (TacPack)
+ Corrected symbology
+ Can function as independent, radar slaved, or it can drive the radar

LANTIRN targeting pod (TacPack)
+ Area mode (static GPS) with Continuous Target Designation (CD) and Single Target Deisngation (SD) sub modes
+ Point mode (moving AI) with A/A and A/G sub-modes
+ Training mode (target practice)
+ P3D version implements pseudo-IR, so you can see AI even with low visibility

VC fixes from F-14 driver feedback
+ Wingsweep Indicator now contains Auto Mode caret and bracket for Selected Sweep Angle
+ Emergency Fuel Shut-off handles no longer rotate
+ Turn Needle animation fixed and re-colored to match historical progression
+ Gear Indicators fixed
+ Speed Brake indicators fixed
+ Slat indicators fixed
+ Horizontal Stab deflections fixed
+ ACM JETT converted to button
+ Canopy OPEN/CLOSE is now FORE/AFT sliding level
+ UHF Channel now rotates “around the horn”
+ Master Test Switch now rotates “around the horn”
+ Engine gauges on the F–14A (RPM, TIT, and FF) are white tape gauges, like the AOA and wing sweep indicators
+ F–14B, the gauges are small white segments and EGT replaces TIT as the temperature instrument
+ The engine nozzle position indicators are 1–5 in the F–14A and now 0–100% in F–14B

Caution and Warning Light Logic Rework
+ Master Caution Light does not reset CAW’s, instead it alerts pilot of a new active CAW on the Master Caution Panel
+ Add Engine Stall Tone
+ BRAKES light is now on when Parking Brake is ON
+ Light colors
– Warning lights: Black letters on red background
– Caution lights: Yellow letters on black background
– Advisory lights: Green letters on black background
– Blanks: Horizontal line through
+ All lights illuminated during Master Test should revert to off once Master Test switch is pulled up
+ Master Test logic improved

Seven new Liveries by Tom Stovall
– VF-31 1987 #206, (F-14A Block 100, BuNo 160913)
– VF-101 1994 #115 (F-14B, BuNo 163221)
– VF-111 1981 #212 (F-14A Block 90, BuNo 160686)
– VF-124 1989 #453 (F-14A Block 110, BuNo 162591)

F-14A BuNo 164342: This airframe was a D model aircraft is real life, and the personal ride of Craig ‘Hutch’ Hutchinson during his tours
with VF-2. Craig provided relentlessly detailed feedback that brought a new level of immersion to the front and back seat of the F-14.
His aircraft is modeled as F-14A Block 110, because VF-2 never flew F-14B’s.

F-14A BuNo 157991: This was the 11th Tomcat built and was initially assigned to high speed testing. It made the first supersonic flight
for an F-14 and eventually achieved a speed of Mach 2.41. In the late 70’s it was transferred to NASA, where it was fitted with canards
and an emergency chute to conduct spin tests. It was then used as the test bed for the development of the Aileron-Rudder-Interconnect
that was implemented later in the F-14’s life to improve stability in the landing configuration. More to the point of this project, it
collected 6 DoF flight data that was directly used in the development of the flight model for out version of the F-14.

F-14 BuNo 159827: The infamous “Eagle Eater” flown by Joe ‘Hoser’ Satrapa at ACEVAL/AIMVAL at Nellis AFB in 1976. At ACEVAL F-14’s and
F-15’s were pit against one another with no rules. Among the outcomes/events was the 8mm gun camera footage where Hoser traced the pipper
from Pilot to Tail to Pilot on an F-15. In AIMVAL, Hoser figured out how to defeat F-15’s armed with the (then) new AIM-9L with frontal
lock capability. He would shut the engines down (OFF not idle), restart them in the vertical and then fly the aircraft ‘like Mary lou Retton
on steroids”, using asymmetric thrust to perform a low speed aerial cartwheel to evade and obtain guns solutions on the attacking F-15’s.
