Next Generation Interactive Software is a group who plans to develop a flight simulator worthy of the 21st century, aimed at hardcore simmers to beginners, for military or civilian flights.
The developers team include experienced members in flight simming and they sent us their first press release.
“It is absolute nonsense to expect our extensive Flight Simulation community to forever sit upon its’ yoke free hands. Awaiting the arrival of an ‘anointed one’ to march us all into the 3D pixelated sunset world of a next generation, fresh and original Flight Simulator fit for the 21st Century. Rumour has it that the waiting time is over!
With the recent arrival on to the market of the NGiS (Next Generation iNTERACTiVE Software©), Group, there is a feeling of electric anticipation gathering high up in the atmosphere. They have recently announced the beginnings of a newly constituted gathering of industry professionals, intent on producing a product that will literally blast all other comers right out of their newly generated graphical water interfaces!
It is a grand boast, but far from an idle boast. With the confidence of those with years, even decades of expertise in the production of all things ‘flight sim’, the team is already hard at work setting the scene, (and the scenery!). As they get down to the task of beginning the process of writing a completely new program, with no remnants or traces left over from any previous flight simulator versions. This is not an adaptation. It is after all a completely fresh start.
The initial thrust for the team, is to fully engage with emerging technologies in a consolidated effort to bring this newly choreographed development to an eagerly awaiting audience. The time for rehearsal has only just begun, and they cannot wait to present you with the end production on opening night.
They are taking ‘an all things to all flyers’ approach. Giving more breadth, depth and scope to what has hitherto been available. Taking the best from what is around, and opening the market up to a much wider customer base.
From beginners to experts. Gamers, casual users and die-hard flight simmers will be suitably catered for. Are you involved or running a virtual airline, and do you want to open up what is available to your own community? Do you specialise in military, historical or maybe just like to chug around the skies in your highly polished GA craft? Or are you an air cargo tramp, even a small time operator, carrying out charter flights over the African savannah?
Whatever your biome and however deep and diverse your flora and fauna needs, you will be catered for at a highly developed level. Much higher than you have seen before.
Over the coming months the team will be presenting you with regular updates on progress. Like all good thrillers, they will leave you eagerly awaiting the next episode before the final scenes are set and the spool begins to roll. As the Director calls for silence and…….. Action!
I am without shame. He who invents a better mousetrap wins me…. but promises, promises
Seeing is believing
Looks pretty good to me.
Too bad it’s not theirs. It’s a demo created by the engine manufacturer, not these guys. All they’ve managed to create are press releases and a wish list.
These guys mean well but have consistently failed to win over the flightsim community to their grand plan to create a flightsim that will supersede both FSX and Xplane. They are well meaning amateurs who have produced nothing so far but promises despite being formed in May 2015. The demo and screenshots they show aren’t theirs but are all from Uningine’s website. Also the Some experienced developers have commented that |Unigine engine is not suitable for the job for various reasons, including the fact it’s not currently round earth enabled.
Growing pains will always be that – thank you for your endorsement of our ‘well meaningness.’ For that is a very positive stance to take. We are in no way negative, and it appears that neither are you. We can therefore appreciate all of your comments, and ask you to walk on gently with us into the daylight.
‘Nothing produced’ is a very empty and hollow sounding space. We would hasten to comfort you in the knowledge that we have filled some of that space that you apportion as in an empty state. With fellows who also mean well, and who have a vast array of knowledge and talent to offer to our community.
From May to September was but a short time, and Autumn through to today has proven to be a very positive period for NGiS – we stand at the foothills, with a team assembled, ready to move up towards base camp. The climb is a steep one, and what we do need to do is not be foolish and ill prepared. Ploughing on regardless of the need to be well founded for the future.
Some changes and adjustments are inevitable. Some folk will come and offer their services to us, and leave shortly thereafter. Others will come and stay a while, and the rest will sustain until the job is done. No different to any other industry, whether voluntary, amateur or professional.
We invite you to continue to watch over us, and to charge us with your encouragement. As these ‘well meaning amateurs’ and the odd smattering of professionals, (who would be irked to have been left out of your thoughts), continue in their efforts.
It took a long, long time for human kind to work out that the earth was not indeed flat after all – at least we are ahead of the game regarding that one! Now please remind us. What shape is the earth again?
The road to hell is paved with good intentions
It is usually nay-sayers that feature the news prominently, on any topic. It is the passionate people that ultimately always come out on top….. It is true that seeing is believing, and sometimes passion and enthusiasm make people jump the gun. Without folks like the ones at NGiS you would NOT have had any Microsoft product, no Bruce Artwick product, no Fly2!, no X-Plane…… and you will not have a new flightsim.
I welcome all positive thoughts and vibes, as well as skepticism. Without it there would be no fun in proving you wrong
I’m perfectly happy with my current flight simulator and will be for years to come. Also I don’t like the look of the NGS flight simulator judging by the demo, it looks cartoonish. I also would prefer not to buy from your company, or deal with you in any way. So thanks but no thanks.
Creating a new flight simulator is a huge task requiring hours of preparation before the very first inkling of such a creation can even materialize.
In May, the Next Generation Flight Simulator was nothing more than an idea being shared by flight simulation enthusiasts to determine if there was even an interest or indeed even a need for a new simulator.
Then there was the need to learn if there were any tools available that would allow the creation of an environment for the simulator to include a round world. For those who have not done their own research into such tools… it too is a daunting tasks that takes hours, days, weeks, and months to fully explore and find those tools that are most suitable as well as realistically available for use.
It has only been since October that the formulation of a genuinely talented team of developers has been created and from that point begins the design process, the gathering of details, data, feature sets, tools, etc. etc.
And then there is the coordination of entities (i.e. companies, teams) who must determine the methodologies for working together what tools are needed for communication between these teams who are literally scattered across the globe. Agreements have to be made, who will work on what, how to bring project piecess together, timing of projects (milestones) and all the various ingredients needed for not only creating, but supervising and collaboration.
And then of course there are the setbacks, the delays, the waiting for an “i” to be dotted or a “t” to be crossed, all the legalities as well as the you can’t do this or you can’t do that… but, you can do this and you can do that.
I find it so amazing… how so many perceive the creation of a new flight simulator as “easy” as snapping your fingers and presto… it’s there.
Creating a Next Generation Flight Simulator is by far not even close to being an instantaneous process… it takes time, it take patience, and it takes commitment.
So… if you’re interested in following along… supporting the cause… spreading the word… then hop on board… it’s going to be an amazing journey, one that will take some time to complete… but when we do… Oh… will it be worth it!
Stephen Borick
Director / President
Next Generation iNTERACTiVE Software
Unigine (the engine behind the featured sim demo that covers the LA area) is light years more advanced, capable and modern than MS ESP either the one used by MS or finetuned by LM… Capability is in its real time rendering power of details going from grass to a landscape seen from thousands of feet including real time time and weather changes (without the painful load time of FS). However not sure that Unigine features a round planet that is the basic requirement for a simulator ala FS or XP… Is that impossible to do with Unigine ? Not sure, I think the company can make such a version available if there is any revenue prospect from doing so. This been said Unigine is licensed for professional simulation but this simulation is limited to areas and not planet oriented. The only engine that features the round planet is Outerra but unfortunately, despite its promising capability and beauty, its evolution is slow due to the limited resources working on it.
Thanks Clav. That’s an interesting analyses on engines.
It’s become a bit of a standing joke within the flight-sim community about the likelihood of NGIS ever producing the goods. Even the few members who post on the NGIS forum have joined in the joke, with one member saying that they should have T-shirts printed with the sim release date as XXXX. Even the man behind this project, Stephen Borick, is quoted on his forum recently as saying
“…we are in the very early stage of the project so honestly we have no idea when we will be able to release screenshots, demos etc.. but it is also true that we have something in mind and that relates roughly to Q3 201X about the demo in its beta stage and Xmas 201X for an Alpha release of the game, even if it is more likely that the final retail version will surface during late spring-summer 20XX ”
The comment was probably made with a good deal of tongue in cheek but reflects what many of us within the flight-sim community feel and suspect.
Still they did well to put the idea out there to test the water I guess.
We’re actually doing much more than just “test the water”… we’re actually making progress where there has been none for the past 10 years or so. In fact… if you knew what I knew, you’d probably be standing on the sidelines cheering NGiS on.
Unfortunately we’ve got to take the hits that comes from not being able to disclose information that could make it easy for anyone with deeper pockets and more clout to run with it, and yep… NGiS doesn’t want that to happen… go figure…
Meanwhile… we’ll take the hits… and when the proof is in the pudding (so to speak) maybe you’ll choose to cheer us on… then again… maybe not.
Stephen Borick
“Round planet” is irrelevant (notwithstanding the fact the earth isn’t round…). Conversions from WGS84 lat/long as is used in aviation (and pretty much every other geo-located system) to orthogonal X/Y/Z as used in pretty much any 3D software is well understood. The reason they (he — Borick) aren’t using Unigine is more likely because Unigine isn’t free and Borick isn’t willing to invest any money in the project. I suspect Borick will continue leading along 3D engine company after company into thinking they might make a sale, then after each bows out when they realize Borick has no money, there will be another “hang in there, guys, it’s just a minor setback” announcement.
Your absolutely right… UNIGINE isn’t free, but just out of curiosity, where did you find information that Borick isn’t willing to invest any money in the project?
Oh… speculation… the forming of a theory or conjecture without firm evidence.
Stop press!!!
The latest news is that NGIS are no longer involved with Unigine or the Unigine engine!!
This from the NGIS website dated 24 Jan 2016-
“If you’ve been on our website “Home Page” you may have noticed a few changes with the most noticeable being no indication of UNIGINE. Shocker… I know, but things happen and the writing on the wall appeared sometime late November and concluded last week with both NGiS and UNIGINE going their separate ways. (NDA prevents me from going into details… so… please don’t ask and don’t speculate.)”.
“Shocker indeed!” So all those screen shots and videos of the proposed new sim based on Unigine are now void, including the screen shot in this article. Plus all that planning and testing of the Unigine engine, tools..demo downloads etc. over the past 9 months or so was mostly all for nothing.
But all is not lost apparently as NGIS still appear quite optimistic (if a little winded) in their plans to produce a flight sim which will surpass the hugely successful sims and addons that we have today. Personally I’m even more doubtful than I was last spring when the project was launched that anything concrete will ever come of it..
What I cannot understand is why the head man Stephen Borat didn’t mention in his post yesterday that NGIS no longer has access to the Unigine engine!! I mean you cant hush these things up for long in a small community such as ours. Instead Stephen skipped this fact and made accusatory statements such as-
“I find it so amazing… how so many perceive the creation of a new flight simulator as “easy” as snapping your fingers and presto… it’s there”.
Well Stephen, I hate to say this sir, but I was one of the many members over at Avsim last spring and summer who were constantly trying to point out to you the massive and almost impossible job you were proposing in trying to develop a flight sim on a shoestring which aimed to surpass the flight sims and addon scenery that we have today, but you were so gung ho back then you didn’t seem to want to listen.
Admin please delete duplicate post in reply to Claviateur. Thank you.
Although such perspectives are quite biased and based upon assumptions and not fact, it’s to be expected.
We here at NGiS are quite capable of sustaining the ongoing development of a Next Generation Flight Simulator that has every intention to surpass what is currently available in regards to dynamics, atmosphere, as well as the virtual environment in which we’ll fly in and the tools, in spite of the assumptions, are available… you just need to know where to look.
It’s my hope that those who have read the below assumptions will take the time to visit our public forum and read the entire “Update 1/24/2016” found in “Announcements….” by reading all of the information you will then be well informed instead of misinformed.
Stephen Borick
I did actually read the rest of your announcement Stephen but it seemed to be yet more of the same promises and intentions that we’ve been hearing since May 2015.
More to the point. You never answered my point about why you failed to mention the fact that NGIS has lost access to the Unigine engine.. Simflight have been kind enough to give your project a plug here, so the least you could have done was to let members here know that actually the screenshot on the article is now invalid, as is any reference to the Unigine engine and related videos &c.
It’s the same over on your own forum. Members have been carrying on speculating about the proposed Unigine Corsica demo release, with you yourself adding to the debate, Yet for at least the past month or so you’ve known that the ‘writing was on the wall’ (in your own words) as regards access to the Unigine engine, and that no such demo would ever be forthcoming.
That’s no way to treat members within the flight sim community I would say.
Strange but true.
PS: As a Simflight member I’m obviously entitled to post my point of view here. Its sad therefore to see one of NGIS’s senior team members labelling me in such extremely derogatory terms, which I found on the NGIS forum today-
“people like Chuck M. will ALWAYS try to attack us. Unfortunately, this sort of folks are usually in the majority on public forums. They are frustrated, have nothing better to do than be negative, giving them that last bit of perceived ‘importance’ in their otherwise worthless lives.
PLEASE ignore them !
We don’t care if people lie, spread false accusations, or try and discredit us. In the end, they are a minority, and our negative reactions to them will us more harm then good.
Once we get this new sim RUNNING we’ll blow everybody out of the water, and the supporters will quickly overwhelm the naysayers.
Until then lets funnel our energy in positive things and just IGNORE the idiots. Much better for all of us… we don’t have time for these people, don’t you agree !?
Keep up the great suggestions though, THAT is really helping us !!
Consultant – Leadership Team NGiS
Sad indeed. But at least now I know the general mindset of a few of the NGIS team, and I was correct in my assumption all along to give them a wide berth.
If it’s any consolation, I was given the exact same treatment over at not so long ago.
Thanks Johan.
Yes that makes sense that NGIS posters often tend to be quite harsh and on the defensive if they are given any sort of negative reaction to their grand dream. Its also a consolation to me that this Francois guy who reckons my like is worthless is a Frenchman by the name of ‘Dumas’ !!
You couldn’t make it up!
Chuck M (And I really mean, chuck-em!;-)
As a Simflight member I’m obviously entitled to post my point of view here. Its sad therefore to see one of NGIS’s senior team members labelling me in such extremely derogatory terms, which I found on the NGIS forum today-
“…People like Chuck M. will ALWAYS try to attack us. Unfortunately, this sort of folks are usually in the majority on public forums. They are frustrated, have nothing better to do than be negative, giving them that last bit of perceived ‘importance’ in their otherwise worthless lives.
PLEASE ignore them !
We don’t care if people lie, spread false accusations, or try and discredit us. In the end, they are a minority, and our negative reactions to them will us more harm then good.
Once we get this new sim RUNNING we’ll blow everybody out of the water, and the supporters will quickly overwhelm the naysayers.
Until then lets funnel our energy in positive things and just IGNORE the idiots. Much better for all of us… we don’t have time for these people, don’t you agree !?
Keep up the great suggestions though, THAT is really helping us !!
Consultant – Leadership Team NGiS
Sad indeed. But at least now I know the general mindset of a few of the NGIS team, and I was correct in my assumption all along to give them a wide berth.
This project is a laughably amateur joke. Borick’s business model (“I need highly-skilled professionals to make my product for me for free, which I will own entirely, and if I make any money in the end I might give you some”) has been tried thousands of times since the dawn of the internet by equally clueless hucksters and shysters who have never managed a software project of any size. They all go down the same long-form sales letter path as on Borick’s site, using flowery language with allusions to hopes, dreams and opportunities thinking professional software developers are idiots and will fall for it. Nobody’s that dumb, Borick, and that is the reason all those thousands of similar “make my game for me for free” projects have gone nowhere. The only way a project of this magnitude can work is to either open-source it (a la Flight Gear), or get a kickstarter going and hire full-time developers. As it is, Borick’s wasting his and his 40 “testers and consultants'” time.