FSimStudios – Easter Island



You can now adventure to the Easter Island packed with 10M mesh, photoreal scenery for the whole island along with hand placed autogen and much more. Mataveri airport looks very nice and has scheduled flights with Chilean carrier LAN. I spent a couple of hours adventuring in the Comanche and its certainly an interesting place to visit (Updated with some “natural” images; Click to enlarge) Images in P3D v2.5/ Night Shots have brightness increased slightly for ease of sight

0 Responses

  1. The location seems interesting, but the screenshots on simMarket look awful… Some could be right from a childs picture book, way too colorful. Plus the buildings in the 2 night shots look really unrealistic. I personally can’t bring myself to spend money for what I’ve seen on the screenshots.

  2. The Topic is wrong. Easter islands belongs to germany and this is the easter island in the pacific ocean.

  3. Hi, i’m the developer.

    Yes, photos on SimMarket are a bit oversatured of color, so, i’m uploading now 100% Natural FSX/P3D photos.

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