HECAX – Now released and available


The rendition of Cairo International Airport by SimDesignGroup, which we previewed earlier this month, is now available for purchase and download, allowing you to visit a much upgraded version of the Egyptian capital city in FSX.

Featuring huge amounts of custom textures, structures and buildings, including in the area surrounding the airport itself, and compatible with FSDreamTeam’s GSX, the package additionally comes with upgraded AFD files for the nearby Almaza AFB (HEAZ) and Cairo West (HECW). Click here for full details on HECAX and to purchase.

0 Responses

  1. I recently installed this product. Unfortunately it produced very sluggish performance.
    I have 2.6 Ghz i7 processor with 6 GB RAM and SSD HDD.

    FSX settings were on average. with no traffic or auto gen.

    It seems either number of polygons or textures are required to be worked on.

  2. Through the feedback we received from amazing customers like yourself, we are packaging Service pack 1 for HECAX. The feedback included and concentrated on a number of issues. In this pack we target the memory requirements of this product which proved to be a bit large. We also target to fix a number of flickering objects and a few items here and there that will enhance your enjoyment of this airport.

    We will announce the release of this service pack 1 via followup email messages, on our forums and on facebook. This should happen in the coming very few days. Also may be here on simFlight.

    After this service pack is installed, you should get an even better experience at this airport in terms of memory usage, simulator performance and FPS.

    We hope to hear from you on our support@simdesigngroup.com email and in facebook at http://www.fb.com/simdesigngroup/

    We will continue working with you and with the help of your great feedback to make your experiences with our products as enjoyable as possible.

    All the best


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