Taxi2Gate – Hong Kong Intl VHHH

Taxi2Gate - Hong Kong VHHH

There are a few moments in a year when we see coming one of the most important product release. Because it’s famous world wide, visited by millions of passengers, and located in one of the most dynamic cities of Asia, Taxi2Gate – Hong Kong Intl will certainly be a best-seller.

Of course, it must also load a good number of features, and a high level of quality in FSX/P3D. Check them by yourself at simMarket !

0 Responses

  1. Have to say I am a bit underwhelmed after purchasing this right away (VHHH is probably my favorite airport IRL). Maybe my expectations were too high for this important airport, but for a T2G product it feels below – sometimes quite below – the quality standards they’ve set through some of their past releases. It just feels rushed and occasionally sloppy and would have profited from additional cycles of polish, imo.

    Granted, it is a step up from Imaginesim’s older rendition, but if you expect quality on the level of MMMX, KMCO or LTBA, you will likely be disappointed. It’s more like OTHH, even a tad below and generally feels like they’ve been taking a step back.